
President's News

-- Time to Renew and get a Free Sticker!

-- Swap Meet

-- Update on the Construction Project

-- AMA Jamboree


Hi Everyone,

Please Renew:

If you have not already done so, please renew your membership so that you are all set to start flying when the mood strikes.  We usually get some good weather in April as soon as the March storms are done, so this is a good time to do it.  Also, you'll get a free MAR/C sticker with our logo.

Swap Meet:

Spring Swap Meet coming up!

The Marymoor R/C club will be having a Swap Meet and Fun Fly on Saturday March 18th. The swap meet is open to the general public from 9-2 and all are welcome to bring airplanes/helis and R/C related items to sell. Swap meet will be located in the grassy area between the parking lot and the flying field. The field will be open to anyone for flying with a current AMA membership. Lets hope for great weather!



Transmitter Programming Links

Hi All,

At last night's meeting, the topic was programming your transmitter to make flying easier and more fun, including use of Flight Modes.

Whether you attended or not, these links may be of interest.  The first two are available on our website in the Training and Education pull-down menu.

Aero 101, Part 3