
Upcoming Events

We had a great turnout at the Club meeting this month. If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, I highly recommend joining. The February meeting will be held on Thursday the 16th at 6PM at the Redmond community Center. Feel free to bring Show and Tell to the meeting as we reserve time after the main topic for people to show off interesting projects. For the main program, we plan discussing advanced radio features. All the radio brands have additional programming and mixing modes that can help improve the flight characteristics of your airplane.

Club Meeting Reminder

Don't forget to attend the club meeting the Thursday at 6pm. The University of Washington Design/Build/Fly team will be presenting their plans for the 2023 AIAA contest.

Also, check out the Updated Calendar on our website for upcoming events for 2023. Lots of events planned!

Holiday party this Thursday

Come join us for a pot-luck and white elephant gift exchange. ($20 max) 

Bring your favorite dish to share. We will be meeting at the Redmond Community Center room 202 from 5-8pm 

RSVP to so we can get a count of number of plate-wear to bring.

Thanks - Chris  

Real-Flight multiplayer now up!

Too cold to fly at the field? Not for 3D Ken! - but others may want to get some good flying practice over the winter. Now is your chance to log into Real-Flight and connect to the Marymoor field online Multi-player. You need to download the field from the RealFlight Swap pages -

Once you have imported the field into Real-Flight, go to Multi-Player and select Join. You should see MarymoorRC listed as an option. The field will be hosted 24/7 so feel free to drop in any time!